Payroll Deduction

The Eczema Association of Australasia Inc (EAA) is the only patient support group for eczema sufferers in Australia and they publish ‘Eczema Quarterly’ – the only magazine dedicated to eczema sufferers in Australia.

“The Eczema Association of Australasia Inc supports and educates Eczema sufferers and carers, along with the wider community, in all aspects of Eczema and its impact.”

The EAA aims:

  • To increase public awareness of Eczema
  • To ensure the improved treatment of sufferers and carers in public situations
  • To improve and broaden the availability of medical treatments and supplies for Eczema sufferers
  • To maintain links with Medical Professionals
  • To assist in Specialised Research into the causes and effects of Eczema.

The EAA supports and provides information for health professionals to pass on to their patients.

The EAA is a National Charity with a free number 1300 300 182 and is a ‘friendly ear’ to sufferers who often don’t know where to turn for help.


here by authorise the payroll officer of

working at

to deduct $

from my pay per week / fortnight and Direct Deposit it to

Eczema Association’s Bendigo Bank Account
BSB 633000
Account No 167 291 103

I wish this arrangement to continue until otherwise authorised by myself. I understand the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc will forward to me a receipt for the amount deducted at the end of the financial year.

Please click on the reCAPTCHA box.